Task Description

PSU researchers shall select an optimal model design from Task 2, based on TAC/OSA input, and implement it using R as a package for the unified RSPM framework. The result will be a new functionality in RSPM that can be applied across several Oregon and national tools. The implementation of the new functionality will be checked in by the PSU researchers to a shared code repository and estimation data properly documented


All sub-tasks in Task 3 have been accomplished and listed below:

  • [x] initial implementation as a R package
    • Implemented as a R Package for the VisionEval framework that provides functions to predict AADVMT and Person Mile Travelled (PMT) for transit, walk, and bike
    • Implemented two modules that predict number of vehicles (Vehicles) and number of drivers (Drivers) for households
    • Following the VisionEval package guidelines and including code, data (estimated model objects with parameters), documents, and tests
  • [x] Light-weight implementation
    • Utilizing list-column data frames to avoid the need to iterate/loop through segments (i.e., metro and non-metro segments)
    • Taking advantage of predict() function of R model objects
    • Implementation is almost agnostic to the model structure used. For example, code for the PredictAADVMT function:

#Main module function that predicts AADVMT for households
#' Main module function
#' \code{PredictAADVMT} predicts AADVMT for each household in the households
#' dataset using independent variables including household characteristics
#' and 5D built environment variables.
#' This function predicts AADVMT for each hosuehold in the model region where
#' each household is assigned an AADVMT. The model objects as a part of the
#' inputs are stored in data frame with two columns: a column for segmentation
#' (e.g., metro, non-metro) and a 'model' column for model object (list-column
#' data structure). The function "nests" the households data frame into a
#' list-column data frame by segments and applies the generic predict() function
#' for each segment to predict AADVMT for each household. The vectors of HhId
#' and AADVMT produced by the PredictAADVMT function are to be stored in the
#' "Household" table.
#' If this table does not exist, the function calculates a LENGTH value for
#' the table and returns that as well. The framework uses this information to
#' initialize the Households table. The function also computes the maximum
#' numbers of characters in the HhId and Azone datasets and assigns these to a
#' SIZE vector. This is necessary so that the framework can initialize these
#' datasets in the datastore. All the results are returned in a list.
#' @param L A list containing the components listed in the Get specifications
#' for the module.
#' @return A list containing the components specified in the Set
#' specifications for the module along with:
#' LENGTH: A named integer vector having a single named element, "Household",
#' which identifies the length (number of rows) of the Household table to be
#' created in the datastore.
#' SIZE: A named integer vector having two elements. The first element, "Azone",
#' identifies the size of the longest Azone name. The second element, "HhId",
#' identifies the size of the longest HhId.
#' @import visioneval dplyr purrr tidyr pscl
#' @importFrom "splines" "ns"
#' @export
PredictAADVMT <- function(L) {
  #TODO: get id_name from L or specification?
  dataset_name <- "Household"
  id_name <- "HhId"
  y_name <- "AADVMT"

  Bzone_df <- data.frame(L$Year[["Bzone"]])
  stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(Bzone_df))

  Marea_df <- data.frame(L$Year[["Marea"]])
  stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(Marea_df))

  D_df <- data.frame(L$Year[[dataset_name]])
  stopifnot("data.frame" %in% class(D_df))
  D_df <- D_df %>%
           DrvAgePop=HhSize - Age0to14,
           VehPerDriver=ifelse(Drivers==0 || is.na(Drivers), 0, Vehicles/Drivers),
           LifeCycle = as.character(LifeCycle),
           LifeCycle = ifelse(LifeCycle=="01", "Single", LifeCycle),
           LifeCycle = ifelse(LifeCycle %in% c("02"), "Couple w/o children", LifeCycle),
           LifeCycle = ifelse(LifeCycle %in% c("00", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08"), "Couple w/ children", LifeCycle),
           LifeCycle = ifelse(LifeCycle %in% c("09", "10"), "Empty Nester", LifeCycle)
    ) %>%
    left_join(Bzone_df, by="Bzone") %>%

  D_df <- D_df %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)

  #D_df <- D_df %>%
  #  crossing(Marea_df, by="Marea")

  Model_df <- AADVMTModel_df

  # find cols used for segmenting households ("metro" by default)
  SegmentCol_vc <- setdiff(names(Model_df), c("model", "step", "post_func", "bias_adj"))

  # segmenting columns must appear in D_df
  stopifnot(all(SegmentCol_vc %in% names(D_df)))

  Preds <- do_predictions(Model_df, D_df,
                 dataset_name, id_name, y_name, SegmentCol_vc)

  # fill NA with 0s - produced with negative predictions before inversing power transformation
  Preds <- Preds %>%
    mutate(y=ifelse(is.na(y) | y < 0, 0, y))

  Out_ls <- initDataList()
  Out_ls$Year$Household <-
      AADVMT = -1
  Out_ls$Year$Household$AADVMT <- Preds[["y"]]

  #Return the list
  • [x] testing
    • Implemented in tests/test.R, utilizing the testModule() function implemented in VisionEval
    • All modules implemented in the package tested with RVMPO data using estimated coefficients with the NHTS + SLD data
    • Package check and tests automated with Travis-CI (see also Task 4)
  • [x] Further modifications in response to changes in VisionEval
    • Variable name unification with existing VE modules implemented by Brian (VELandUse and VETransportSupply)
    • Utilize the data structure in hdf5 data store on the develop branch of VisionEval
  • [x] Release module as a public repository